Mindbody Campus 3 Months - 4 Years
Young Infants: Pea Pods (3 months - 14 months)
In the first year of life, children acquire a sense of trust or a feeling of safety and security. We have learned that basic trust comes from a warm and loving relationship with the caregiver. With this age range we provide a predictable, responsive and nurturing environment and care. One of our main goals is to create a classroom with love and consistency to create basic trust. Young infants who feel safe will begin to seek opportunities to see, hear, feel, touch and explore the world around us in ways we cannot imagine.
Young Toddlers: Poppy Seeds (Approximately 12 months - 24 months)
Our young toddlers are beginning to establish their identity. Young toddlers are learning to communicate and can easily become overwhelmed when unable to communicate their needs or acquire what they want. In this classroom we provide calm reassurance, social awareness, sign language, and new skills which will allow them to begin to grow and slowly learn what actions are appropriate and effective.
Toddlers: Mudpie room (Approximately 24 months - 36 months)
Our Mudpie room is a room full of exploration, questioning and discovery. Toddlers will begin to move away from baby sign language and begin to use oral language to communicate. They learn to categorize and constantly seek to understand the meaning of words, events, and objects around them. At this age, children are quickly gaining a sense of identity. In support of this, caregivers continue to provide a secure and trusted environment for safe exploration of the world around them and their place in it. Our toddler caregivers help the toddlers gain a sense of independence, interdependence, and a spirit of participation and cooperation.
Preschoolers: Rainbows and Raindrops (Approximately 3 years- 4 years)
In these two classrooms we utilize a child-led play-based curriculum to encourage children to intellectually examine events and objects around them by using their interests and needs to learn about the world. In these classes, an inquiry-based style of teaching is employed in which students are encouraged to develop their own questions and discuss their discoveries with peers and adults. Children in these classrooms continue to develop self-regulation skills, self-control, and problem-solving skills. As they face setbacks, they use these skills to persevere and gain confidence.
Schedules / Fees
We have schedules to accommodate full-time (MWF) and part-time (MWF, T/TH) schooling based on the following schedules, with our first drop off at 7:45 am and our last pickup at 5:15 pm. Lunch is served at 12:00 pm. Please send a healthy lunch and hearty snacks (two snacks for full-day students) to school with your child (lunches and snacks should not include candy, sugary snacks, junk food, juice or sodas). We are currently a peanut-free school, so all snacks must not have any peanuts or related products whatsoever.
FULL DAYS - Full-day schedules are considered to be any child dropped between 7:45 and 8:15 am and picked up between 4:00 and 5:15pm. Schedules and fees are based on the number of days per week and the age of the child. Fees are in the chart below.
LATE FEES - Families who pick up their child(ren) later than their scheduled pick-up time (after 5:30 for the full-day program) will be assessed an additional fee of $15.00 per quarter hour or any portion thereof.
ENROLLMENT FEE - A yearly, non-refundable enrollment fee of $150.00 will be assessed at enrollment time and annually thereafter on the enrollment anniversary. A deposit equal to 1/2 month of enrollment will be due upon registration as well. The deposit will be applied to the child's last two weeks of enrollment in the school.
PAYMENT OF FEES - Payment is accepted by check and our internal software, which can be used with a bank account, debit card or credit card. Late payments of any kind will be assessed a late fee for each day that payment is past due. Our handbook delves into more details about late fees.
DISCOUNTS - A discount may apply for siblings enrolled in the school. Please see the director for more information.
Other conditions and enrollment guidelines may apply. This is not a comprehensive list of requirements to enroll. Please see the director for more information.
The first months and years of a child’s life are the most formative in development of mind, body and spirit. Sleep, emotionally-responsive care, physical nourishment, and sensory stimulation are more important in infancy than at any other time. That is why, here at Bright Life Playschool @ Mindbody, we provide a warm and nurturing environment with an emphasis on building primary caregiver relationships that allow for a secure attachment to develop. One of our main goals is to create a partnership with you (who are your child’s first and most important teacher!) by having frequent communication about the development and needs of your children in order to create the best plan to continue supporting their development.